To minimise the risk of health and safety harm and to comply with relevant legislation, organisations need to "manage" health and safety. Developing a health and safety management system can help with this by ascertaining the risks within the business, identifying who is going to take accountability for managing those risks and specifying the procedures each employee should follow to achieve the required standards.
Health and safety management systems include:-
Clwyd Associates can also carry out an audit of your health and safety management system - to check the paperwork complies with legal requirements (or any other standards that are applicable) and measure how well it is implemented - read more here >>
Clwyd Associates focuses on developing health and safety policies and procedures that are fit for purpose – our documents are not “fill in the gaps” – they reflect the size and complexity of the organisation.
One example of this is the recent work we have carried out for the Symphony Group. We originally developed their Occupational Health and Safety Management System in 2012 and have been involved in annual reviews ever since. Recently we developed a more detailed procedure for the HR department, recognising they needed more support in identifying when accidents were RIDDOR reportable.